Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is a traffic exchange and what do I do after joining one

A traffic exchange is a website that allows it's members to promote their goods for others to see in exchange for you looking at their sites. You know - you look at mine, I'll look at yours.

When you first sign up at any exchange there is a required amount of pages that you need to surf before your account is active - I have seen them ranging from 5 - 50 - just depends on the traffic exchange (TE)

Once you have surfed the required amount of sites to activate your account, you will receive a certain amount of extra credits (depending on the Exchange's policy). You can then set up your Sites and Banners. Some Exchanges offer only 3 Sites and Banners, other 5 for a Free Member. Should you Upgrade to another Level, you are allotted more sites and banners.

Are you lost yet, I sure was when I first started. I really didn't even know what a URL, banner, hot link, text link, splash page, squeeze page was - this was like a different language to me. Hopefully, I can help you understand all these terms and why TE are a great tool to use for your advertising.

Ok, back to the URL - An Internet address (TE example,
usually consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (, and who is referring you back to this website.

Banners in TE's are usually 468 x 60 - that is the size that is mostly seen but you are seeing more and more sites adding other sizes ie. 125x125 Now to add your banner to a TE - you need an image URL and the site URL. I'm not going into alot of detail as I did a whole blog on this subject and you can refer to it here How To Add Banners to Traffic Exchange Sites

Hot Link or Text Link - depending on the site - JMO (Just My Opinion) these two terms are basicially asking for the same info. It's a catchy phrase that you would use that you hope to get someone's attention so that they click on it and go to your site. ie. This site is working for me or FREE OFFER - Don't miss out

Splash pages are one of the least used pages and JMO should be used the most. A splash page is like a billboard and should be eye-catching telling the surfer WHY they should click and go to your site. The reason I enjoy splash pages is that a person can be creative, personalize the page, and really stand out and make a statement. Here is an example of one of the latest ones that I made O.M.G. Splash Page

Now, I left the best to last because if you are looking to build a list then you need to make a squeeze page. I have found that the page size should be so that the page fits into the surfing screen as when members are surfing they DO NOT want to scroll down to see the rest of your page - they want NOW - tell them your info and get a place where they put in their name and email.

Ok, now you are probably wondering why bother with TE's ?????? Well, first of all they are FREE to join and you can keep your sites seen to help build your list, get referrals and even make some money if you upgrade. Most traffic exchanges now adays offer some kind of cash incentive for upgraded members - some examples are commissions, cash for referrals, cash for surfing, etc. Each site is different and that is why they are addicting (at least for me)

I know you have heard that the money is in your list - well traffic exchanges is just one tool to help you build your list. If you are interested in trying TE's, let me know as I own a few of them and would be more than happy to help you get started. Just leave me a comment or email me at or skype me at nancyradlinger. Thanks once again for listening.

Monday, April 5, 2010

You have to take baby steps before walking

From everyone that I chat with online, most feel that since you can google almost any subject and it's instant - they feel that making money online is like that also - well I'm here to tell you that it is NOT. Don't believe all the ads that you see - get rich in 24 hours, quit your job and work online, for x amount of dollars you can make x amount of dollars in a week - and the list goes on and on - this is simply effective advertising - these people have put in a catchy phrase to get your attention.

The reason that I bring this up is that I feel that this is really important to learn no matter what you do on the internet - examples would be your title on your blog, your hot link that you use in traffic exchanges, text ad sites, solo ads, etc. Now you see these catchy phrases all the time - and the best place I like to look is magazines - I know crazy huh but you can get some great headliners for almost anything that you are going to be putting together - here are some that I have used more than once depending on what I'm doing at the time - but you can always build on these. Better Than Ever...... Important Facts......... Wake-up Call........ Spread the Word.....Discover the Truth..... This is just a few of my favorites - then you can either write an article, blog, lens on Squidoo, and even build a splash page, lead capture page with that. Tell them why it's better than ever, tell them the facts, tell them why this is a wake up call, tell them why to spread the word and most of all tell them the truth.

This one is my favorite as I love making splash pages, writing blogs and articles and showing people this is working for me, why, tell them how I'm using what I'm promoting and then show them the proof of payment. The internet is a big world out there and you have to earn trust on here just like if you had your own business out of a building. This is one of the baby steps that I have learned.

Another one that I feel is important and that is branding yourself - YOU have to get your picture on what you are doing - let people see that you are a real person - I see so many use an avatar or a pic of a cat and they hide behind that - well I would rather know the person that I'm dealing with vs the mystery of who I'm dealing with. I know this is not easy and it took me forever to finally break out of my shell and put my picture up - but believe me this works. I know there are concerns about privacy - well in your profile - you can still let people know some things about you without giving away your private info. Example........I love line dancing as this is great for me physically and mentally - it gets me out of this chair and clears my mind as I think about the dance steps and gives my brain the break it needs from work. Example two.......I love gardening - I have many flower beds around, enjoy chatting about gardening - now I have just opened up the door to people that like gardening to break the ice with me - send me a question on gardening and learn to get to know each other that way. Example three..... the other one I use to break the ice with new people I meet is games - there are so many games on the net - mention that you love playing Mafia, Farm Town, Farmville, etc on facebook and that you love bowling or playing pool on Pogo. You get the idea - now see how much you have learned about me and I gave away nothing private about me.

I will be writing more about these baby steps - this is a great start for anyone just starting on the net and really don't know what to start with or how - I like blogs and an excellent place to start - you can even create one right from this page - you just go to the top of the page and click on create - and don't be shy - if this granny can do this - so can you. (see how I let you know that I'm a grandma) So lets get started - don't put off it off till tomorrow - take action and do it NOW. Good luck everyone and look forward to reading and following your work.